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How to add an image in Photoshop using simple steps

3 min read
follow how to add an image in Photoshop

In order to editing the picture, most of the people are excited to use various applications available in the store. However, apart from choosing the applications, people are interested to use tools for the better outcome. If you are looking forward to edit the picture and get the high quality stuff, then you can go ahead with the support of Photoshop. Also, people who all are struggling to find the solution for query like how to add an image in Photoshop, then one can follow the below discussion.

follow  how to add an image in Photoshop

Why is Photoshop vital?

Nowadays, most of the business people are looking forward to make logos for their businesses. However, the better edit will help to bring the good logo in the end. However, it can always be handled with the support of Photoshop at any time. When it comes to getting this tool, then you don’t need to worry about it. Yes, by visiting the internet, you can search for various tools in different versions to choose. Well, as per your wish and convenience, one can choose the better version whether it is free or paid version.

By following the paid version, you can get an opportunity to explore various features which are restricted in free. If the photo is properly edited using this tool, then people can add the special effects to offer great outcome than expected. So, people who all are looking forward to add an image in Photoshop for a long time, then one can follow the below discussion for how to add an image in Photoshop.

Essential steps to follow

When it comes to adding the image to Photoshop, there are certain steps where you need to follow. Here we are going to share the important steps where you shouldn’t miss it for how to add an image in Photoshop. Let’s have a look at steps without skipping it.

  • First of all, it is necessary for you to open or create the project that you would like to edit further.
  • Once the above process is over, then it is vital for you to drag and drop the image that want to edit into the tool. On the other side, the user can also tap the menu “File” and follow ahead to click on “Open”. Now, it is essential for you to choose the image file and tap on the button “Open”.
  • Now, press the key “Enter” in order to confirm and proceed further to add the image you want as new layer. In case, if you added any wrong image in your project, then tap on “escape” button to revert.
  • If you want to add new layer, then it is necessary for you to repeat the steps 2 and 3 for the smoother process.

These are the steps that you want to follow when it comes to adding an image to Photoshop. Also, it is crucial for all the people to check and follow all the steps without skipping it.

Wrapping up          

At the end of the day, people who all are struggling to add an image to Photoshop, then one can follow the above discussion for how to add an image in Photoshop at any time.  

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